Lawyers at Outreach Locations

Legal Aid lawyers are available to help at community outreaches throughout the ACT.

If you cannot visit the Legal Aid office, you can have a free chat with a Legal Aid lawyer at an outreach location. Most outreach locations do not require an appointment - just drop in!

Our outreach locations enable Legal Aid ACT to provide a friendly and accessible face to the community while engaging with hard-to-reach and vulnerable community groups such as newly arrived migrants, young people, people at risk of incarceration and older people.  

Find our outreach locations below:

South Canberra Outreach Locations

Sisters in Spirit Aboriginal Corporation (Unit 4/146 Scollary Street, Greenway)

In-person Legal Help at Sisters in Spirit Aboriginal Corporation. Just drop in every Wednesday, or phone to book an appointment (6257 0794).

Yeddung Mura Aboriginal Corporation (56 Coyne Street, Fadden)

In-person Legal Help at Yeddung Mura Aboriginal Corporation. No appointment necessary - just drop in!

  • Every alternate Tuesday from 12:00pm to 1:00pm

North Canberra Outreach Locations

Meridian Pride Hub (85 Northbourne Avenue, Turner)

In-person Legal Help at Meridian. No appointment necessary – just drop in!

Meridian T25 Clinic (85 Northbourne Avenue, Turner)

  • First Monday of every month from 2.00pm to 5.00pm

University of Canberra (Student Services Central Building)

In-person legal help at University of Canberra. No appointment necessary - just drop in!

  • Every Tuesday and Wednesday from 9.30am to 4pm
  • Back in the last week of January 2025 (on the same week as UC O-Week).

ACT Colleges Outreach

Legal Aid ACT lawyers attend most ACT public college to provide college students with free and confidential advice, assistance and information during the school term.

You can find the latest schedule here.