General Panel documentation
Legal Aid ACT has established a panel of private legal practitioners to provide legal services to legally assisted persons (the General Panel).
Disclosure Log
The Legal Aid ACT disclosure log details requests made under the Freedom of Information Act 2016 and promotes transparency by providing public access to released information.
Strategic Plan
The strategic plan articulates Legal Aid ACT's Mission or purpose, and how we intend to progress toward achieving our Mission over the next five years.
Annual Reports
Our annual report provides information about how we work, highlights of the year in review, our funding sources, our in-house practice and how we work with private legal practitioners.
Grants of legal assistance made by Legal Aid ACT are governed by the Legal Aid Act 1977 and by Guidelines made under the Act.
You can also obtain a copy of any of our publications directly from Legal Aid ACT.
Client Service Charter
The Client Service Charter explains our commitment to clients and what clients can do to help us fulfil our commitment.
Statement of Intent
Statement of Intent - focuses on the 2013-14 Budget year and has been developed in the context of a four year forward planning horizon to be incorporated, as far as practicable, into the Legal Aid Commission's Strategic Plan and business planning processes.
Legal Aid ACT: Demonstrating and Ensuring Quality Service to Clients Report
Economic Value of Legal Aid
National Legal Aid has launched a report on the economic value of legal aid, prepared for it by PricewaterhouseCoopers.
What to do if you have any concerns or complaints about our service.