We can help you by providing legal advice and information about refugee law and other immigration matters. In some cases, we can also provide ongoing representation. If we can't help you, we will try to refer you to other organisations that can.
Migration laws are very complicated, change frequently and there are often many forms to be completed. Because of this, if you have a migration problem, it is important to get advice from a Migration Agent.
If you need migration advice, please call or email our Migration clinic.
Phone: 1300 654 314
Email: migration@legalaidact.org.au
If you are from a migrant or refugee background, our Cultural Liaison Officers can help you to speak to your lawyer and to understand your rights and the Australian Legal System. Visit the Community Liaison Unit page for more information on how we can support you.
If you need an interpreter please call TIS on 131 450. You can also book an interpreter on-line go to the TIS National website: www.tisnational.gov.au
Migration and Family Violence Provisions
Legal Aid ACT has developed a new publication 'Stay Here, Stay Safe' about migration and family violence provisions in the Migration Regulations 1994 (Cth).
It was created to help people who have experienced or are experiencing family violence with their applications to access the provisions so they may remain in Australia.
It is also a useful resource for case workers and community service providers who work with clients with migration and family violence concerns.
However, this booklet is not designed to be a substitute for personalised legal advice.
Information for TPV/SHEV Holders
Click these links for further information for TPV/SHEV Holders:
- Temporary Protection Visas (TPV) and Safe Haven Enterprise Visas (SHEV) | Legal Aid ACT
- Resolution of Status visa and TPV/SHEV holders | Legal Aid ACT
Factsheets and Resources
If you came by boat
How to Lodge a TPV/SHEV application
- Temporary Protection Visas (TPV)and Safe Haven Enterprise Visas(SHEV)
- How to complete and lodge an application for a protection visa
- How to write a Statement PV
- Attending an interview with Asylum Seekers
- Helping with forms if you are not a Registered Migration Agent
Resolution of Status visa and TPV/SHEV holders
If you came by plane
How to lodge a protection visa application
- How to complete and lodge an application for a protection visa
- Completing Form 866 and 1505
- How to write a Statement PV
What to expect at an interview
Refused by the Department
- Refused by the Department
- Ministerial Intervention
- Filing for Judicial Review in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia
Mandatory Visa Cancellations:
- Mandatory Visa Cancellation - for people who are not Australian citizens and currently serving a prison sentence.
- What to do if your visa has been mandatorily cancelled